How will this work for you?

Mark’s Story

Mark is 52, he has been having some problems with his breathing. He phones his GP surgery and is asked some questions by the receptionist. She sign posts him to the Nurse Practitioner who has an appointment available that day. Mark goes along. After listening to his chest and asking him about his health, the Nurse realises that Mark has COPD and contacts a colleague in the community to arrange extra support. Mark is given information on local walking clubs and classes that help with his COPD symptoms.

Provided by Mark’s Nurse practitioner


Parent of two adult children with additional needs

Social Prescribers helped this person after a recent hospital stay, when they realised that their adult dependents had very little independence and were unable to get out on their own or socialise. They wanted more support for themselves and their family. The Social Prescribing Navigator was able to refer them to local voluntary organisations for support and to local providers who could help them with their low mood. They were also offered more support within their community and through home visits.

There was a good outcome for this person who was grateful for the prompt response and felt they now had support for themselves and their family.

Provided by Social Prescribing Team

Mr C’s Story

Mr C visited the ‘talking shop’ sessions held at Chadwell Community Hub by the Adult Social Care Community Led Support Team. Mr C’s wife of 40 years was diagnosed with dementia and Parkinson’s five years ago. Mr C was finding it more difficult to care for her and was feeling very isolated, missing out on things he used to love. After talking to Dementia and Parkinson’s services, the social worker invited Mr C and his wife to a local community appointment, ensuring everyone was working together to support them. Mr C was then able to go back to his old club and spend time on his allotment. He felt much better and so did Mrs C.

Provided by Mr C’s Social Worker