

Thameside Forum was formed in 2002 by local people who were interested in making a difference in the Grays South area. They came forward with ideas & suggestions to help make Grays Riverside a pleasant location to live & work in.

We are a non-political, all inclusive voluntary body who have been democratically elected to posts on the Committee, which include a Chair – Deputy Chair – Treasurer – Secretary.

Any funding for the last couple of years has diminished to to administration costs ie postage, paper, print cartridges etc we are ALL volunteers and proud of it, however we always appreciate new people joining us who care about their local community and have ideas and suggestions to make it better to live and work in.

You can have your say in making a difference to Grays South area and be in the know regarding local issues and new initiatives for Thurrock when you come along our meetings each month. Our meetings are held on the first Thursday each month except January and August at 7pm at Belmont Village Hall, top of Parker Road.

Our local Grays Riverside ward councillors endeavour to be present at all meetings and are happy to answer your queries whatever they may be.

Tea/Coffee are free and served before each meeting.

Everyone is welcome to attend if they are a resident or work in the Grays South area.

Come along if you have an interest in your local area.

Minutes, Meetings, News and Members

Coming Soon

Code of Conduct at Public Forum Meetings

  • All members shall be open and honest in their dealings and show respect for other members
  • All speakers will address themselves through the Chairperson
  • Only one person shall speak at a time
  • All speakers shall be polite and not raise their voices
  • All speakers shall respect all others in attendance and shall not use offensive language.
  • All forums observe equal opportunities and respect diversity of all community members.  Racist, sexist, ageist, homophobic and discriminatory language aimed at disabled people will not be acceptable or tolerated so please do not air personal views that are likely to offend.
  • All speakers will keep to the subject under discussion
  • Unless there are exceptional circumstances, each person may speak only once on an issue until every other member has had the opportunity to speak thereby accounting for all opinions
  • All members shall abide by the decisions taken at meetings
  • If any member does not abide by the Code of Conduct, there will be a warning that if they break the Code of Conduct they may be asked to leave the meeting
  • The offending member will be told that three warnings will be given and this is the first warning
  • The offending member will be told that there may be two further warnings and at the third case shall ask the meeting to vote on whether the member should be asked to leave the meeting
  • In the event of there being a conflict of interest (or potential conflict of interest) this must be disclosed to the meeting and if necessary, the member who has disclosed the conflict, (or potential conflict), whether financial or non-financial, shall absent themselves from the meeting whilst the subject is under discussion.  Political references shall be avoided.

Thank you for taking the time to read this document