We are a Drug and Alcohol Service based in Thurrock. This service helps people who have issues with drug and/or alcohol use and want to make positive changes. We also offer support to the family and friends of people who are worried about their loved ones’ substance use or have been affected by it.
This service is delivered in partnership with Open Road who deliver the Children and Young Persons service to under 18-year-olds, and the transitional service that supports people aged 18-29 years old.
The Forward Trust can help people who:
The support we offer is tailored to each person’s needs, so will look slightly different for everyone. When you first get in touch, we’ll do an assessment with you to understand what will work for you, before putting together a plan of how we’ll work together. Services include:
If you are worried about your own drug and/or alcohol use, please complete the referral form here: Complete a self referral, complete a professional referral or complete a criminal justice referral